Friday, October 9, 2009

wow, time flies!

well, it's only been over a year since i last posted....obviously this is not my thing....too busy and who cares what i think anyway?!

but thank God the "movement" progresses and more and more young adults and others not so young are joining, learning to get out and do the work of telling the world, whether far away or right next door.

keep up the good work! keep in The Word and then go do what it says, "Go Tell the World." if you need to get connected....get in touch with or or call me at 800-515-4552. God Bless

Friday, July 11, 2008


Yes, Breadth! I am continually amazed as I read and hear about the width and breadth of the gospel outreach associated with the Seventh-day Adventist church and its supporting ministries.

Just briefly consider evangelism and outreach from the "Youth Rush" involving scores of high school age youth and young adult bible workers working in Central California where it's hot, this last week as hot as 113 degrees with heavy smoke from forest and grass fires to independent lay workers delivering bibles, starting youth programs and building community centers in Inuit areas of Northern Canada, ministries reaching out to Jewish societies to discreet outreaches in Islamic society; inner-city evangelism in gang areas of San Bernardino to the remote regions of Mongolia; God is using dedicated and willing people to reach the world.

And this is just scratching the surface. It is my hope that over the next few weeks and months, the blog will grow and begin to include posting of news from "wherever" around the world, from yacht-based medical missions toEspiritu Santo, Vanuato to ASI Youth for Jesus in Tampa, Florida.

Tell your friends, email your favorite ministries and have them post to this blog and let's watch this grow and encourage and strengthen our resolve to keep sharing the good news wherever we are!

God Bless, Happy Sabbath

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Many years ago, I had reached a crossroads in my Christian experience. I knew there was something more than going to church, doing the right things, being a good family man, a good person, even more than a good relationship with Jesus Christ. The excitement in my Christian life was missing.

I found myself looking at my fellow believers, all of us sitting there each Sabbath, looking at each other, singing the songs, listening to the special music, listening to the pastor, looking for a blessing, but not really doing anything for the Lord in return.
I think this is not an uncommon experience. I think many find, as I did, that the more we looked just at this things, the more discouraged we got. After all, our local church was not really "where the action was." We were trying, but honestly, not much was happening.

One Sabbath, a couple came to our church. They had a ministry. They brought with them, some young men who had serious life struggles and who needed their help. They told us their story and how God had led them. I knew right there, that there was more! Now, how to get involved? The Lord led us to our own opportunities to minister to others and as we did that and became more and more familiar with others who were doing the same, it became very clear. It was NOT that there was nothing was that we did not know where to look.

Now I have come to realize that for every flaw I see in my church, my fellow believer, and in my own life, there are hundreds, even thousands of AWESOME things God IS doing. Now its just a daily decision whether I will concentrate on all the problems around me, or DO SOMETHING POSITIVE for the Lord and for myself in the process.

Since then our family has been involved in many projects and we continue to immerse ourselves in every opportunity possible. In doing so, we have become of so many ministries and thousands of opportunities. And everyone that participates has a great story of God's blessing them while they bless others. It is so encouraging!

As I consider the scope of these ministries and God's working around this world, it seems to me that it would be a great encouragement to many if they could see and hear (and hopefully be motivated to participate) in what God is doing! So, I'm going to try to compile as much information here as possible, from every ministry possible, from every region of the world.

I'm hoping ministry leaders will respond to our invitation to send us information, news, and opportunities for participation. Please feel free to comment on what you find here. We want to know how and if it helps you in your Christian walk. Please encourage those in ministry to contact us and join in. The whole purpose is to gather as much information as possible in one centralized spot!

God bless you all as you Go Tell the World!